Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Cocoa's Cupcakes

Ever seen fruit made to look like flowers? You probably have. They are known as edible arrangements. However Cocoa's Cupcakes add a twist to this by creating delicious cupcakes to look like a bouquet of flowers. Several people that have seen it including me have thought they were actual flowers. The skill that goes into each cupcake is first class. Hats off to the chef or baker or baker chef.

The story doesn't stop there as they taste as good as they look. The cupcakes contain a nice vanilla flavoured sponge.

Take a look at the gallery. My favourite one is the ice cream cupcake. It looks just like a classic ice cream with a flake. The amazing thing is it even tastes like one too.

If you live in Birmingham and haven't tried one yet then you've been missing out. So go on click through and place you order. Go on I'll even make it easy for you. Here's the link http://www.cocoascupcakes.co.uk/order.php.

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